Tea Packaging
For this project, we had to market traditional Japanese tea to an american audience. This tea is inspired by the Japanese word “chabana” which translates to “tea flowers”. Chabana is the term for the flowers that are traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies as a display. The three flavors are varying in caffeine levels and are based off of one flower per package. Chrysanthemums, cherry blossoms, and camellia flowers are all native to Japan. I used these flowers for my design and color inspiration as well as their historical meaning when choosing which green tea was infused with which flower, based on the caffeine level. When placed together, the tea packages create a larger flower to mimic the inspiration of chabana, a traditional display of Japanese flowers. My brand name is Positivitea and their goal is to spread positive messages while providing comfort with a warm cup of tea. You’ll find uplifting sayings throughout the package including under the lip of the lid, inside the li