Vida is a bilingual company of an antidepressant for senior citizens ages 70 and up. This welcome package is intended for first time patients wishing to try this medication for the first time. Along with a 28 day dosage of medication (sertraline), this kit also comes with various gifts to help the patient on their journey to a brighter life. This kit includes an essential oil kit and Sunography paper to help relax the patient's mind.

This kit comes with a one month supply of sertraline because studies show that antidepressants take at least one month to start showing affects. The medication is separated into four packs, one pack per week, for easier handling. Because people often develop arthritis in their later years, this medicine combines blister packaging along with an easy to tear tab. This allows patients to have multiple options when opening their medication for easy use. Each tab on the medication has an integrated RFID seal which connects to the Vida app as well as the Vida oil diffuser.

The essential oil kit comes with three oils, one oil diffuser delivered by mail, and a bilingual booklet. Research suggests that the natural chemicals in essential oils trigger smell receptors in your nose that transmit messages to the part of your brain that controls mood. Because of this, aromatherapy may help uplift and improve negative moods.

Benefits of Art Therapy
Art therapy allows for a form of self expression that may not be able to be expressed by other means. It is a relaxing and fun way to let your mind run free with imagination. It also allows for independence and a way to create something for yourself.

The oil diffuser connects to RFID packaging that is built into the medication package. Before the patient opens their medication, the light on the oil diffuser is orange. After the patient breaks the seal when opening their medication, the light turns teal. The light on the oil diffuser restarts to the orange color at midnight. This allows for a subtle reminder to the patient about whether they took their medication that day.
The Vida app has four main sections including prescription info, the Vida family, frequently asked questions, and a calendar.
Prescription Info
The prescription info is all of the patient's personal prescription information that is located on their medical packaging. This allows for easy access in case the physical paper is lost.
Vida Family
The Vida family allows all patients using Vida to connect with one another. This helps combat loneliness which is a common struggle for senior citizens.
The frequently asked questions provide answers to common concerns about the medication. It also allows patients to ask their own questions to a Vida specialist who will answer quickly and efficiently.
The calendar connects to the RFID located within the sealed medication. This allows the patient to see what days they took their medication and what days they may have missed. They can also write notes and set reminders.